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Banamine Injectable 100 ml (Flunix / Prevail)


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SKU: L1196

Prevail™ Injectable Solution A potent, non-narcotic, nonsteroidal, analgesic agent (flunixin meglumine, 50 mg/mL) with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity.

Indicated for use in horses to alleviate inflammation and pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders, and to alleviate the visceral pain associated with colic. Administer IV or IM.

Indicated for use in beef and dairy cattle to control pyrexia associated with bovine respiratory disease and endotoxemia, and to control inflammation in endotoxemia. Not for use in bulls intended for breeding, dry dairy cows, or calves to be processed for veal. Milk withhold: 36 hours. Meat withdrawal: 4 days. Administer IV.


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