What is Flyball for Dogs?
Flyball for dogs is a relay race made up of a team of 4 dogs & 4 handlers. Flyball is a fast paced sport where the first dog sprints down the straight track where a dog grabs a tennis ball and relays back to it’s owner. The track is set up with four hurdles and a bouncing spring board at the end of each lane. Once the first dog jumps the final hurdle, the next handler releases their dog to follow suit.
Anyone Can Race
One of the greatest things about this sport is that any breed of dog is welcome to participate. Dogs must be at least 15 months of age to participate. A dogs temperament and excitement should also be controllable around other dogs. Your dog might need time and practice to adjust their nature around the intensity and excitement of the game.
Who is Required for a Team?
In addition to the four dogs and four handlers, a ball loader for the box is also needed for the race. Back-up or reserve racers and handlers that can switch out between heats can also be handy.
Height of the Hurdles
The jump height of the hurdles in each lane is determined by measuring the height of the team’s smallest dog. Measurements are taken at the withers and subtracting 5 inches. This is called the “Height Dog”.
The Winning Team
The first team to have all four dogs cross the finish line without errors wins the heat. The team to win the most heats, wins the race. Usually, the best 3 out of 5.
Could Your Dog be a Flyball Dog?
If this sport sounds right up your energic dog’s alley, it probably is. The best way to find out for sure, is to get in touch with a club in your area. You can arrange a meet and greet for you and your dog to see if it’s a good fit.
UPCO just commenced a 70-Year Anniversary, Customer Appreciation Event where we had a live flyball demonstration by our friends at FetchIt Flyball Club of KC. Most Flyball heats are ran indoors in a competitive setting. The video below is from a demo only. It was fun to give our customers an idea what Flyball is and how fun and stimulating it can be for dogs to participate.
For video click link below: