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Zoo Med ReptiCare Reptile Rock Heater


SKU: RH1-G Manufacturer: Zoo Med Laboratories

Zoo Med Repticare Rock Heater is made of a hydrated rock material that is twice as strong as cement or pumice stone, and conducts heat more evenly with no hot spots! Great backup heat option for tropical or desert type reptiles.

  • Hydrated rock material is twice as strong as cement or pumice
  • Conducts heat evenly with no hot spots
  • Water resistant element with a washable surface

▪️ Mini Rock Heater: Use with Small Lizards and Snakes including: Collard Lizards, Swifts, Terrestrial Geckos, Small Corn or King Snakes, etc.

◾️ Standard Rock Heater: Use with all types of Snakes and Lizards including: Boas, Pythons, Rat Snakes, King Snakes, Monitors and Tegus.

◼️ Giant Rock Heater: Use with many large size species of snakes and lizards.


  • The temperature is not controllable directly on this item.  We recommend purchasing the Zoo Med Repti-Temp Rheostat to control temperature setting.
  • A rock heater’s function is to facilitate digestion. A rock heater should never be the sole source of heat. Use as a backup heat source (not primary) for tropical or desert type reptiles.
  • Never cover or bury the rock heater with anything. If your reptile never leaves the rock heater then your terrarium is too cold and you need an additional heat source. Designed for use in glass terrariums only.

In nature the sun beats down on rocks and pavement (roads) which hold heat. Many species of reptiles will take advantage of this heat during the day or early evening to help “heat-up” their digestive tract and facilitate food digestion. The ReptiCare® Rock Heater replicates this “heated stone” feature found in nature and is very useful for reptiles that eat large meals (ie: mice and rats) like Pythons, Boas, Monitor Lizards, Tegus, etc.


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