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CheckUp UTI Pet Urine Testing Strips


SKU: 3003185 Manufacturer: Coastline Global

50 individual CE-grade diagnostic Urine testing strips to check for a variety of different parameters and their level of presence in the urine. These parameters correspond with different medical conditions common in house pets. Checkup Strips help you monitor these conditions at home yourself, and keep a close eye on your beloved pets health.

Strips for UTI Detection – Check Nitrite, Leukocytes & pH, A unique 3 Parameter UTI Test for Maximum Reliability

How to Use

Fully submerge the testing strip square into a urine sample for 2 seconds. After waiting exactly 30 seconds (and no more), compare your color result next to the color legend to identify your result.

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After 3 generations, we know a thing or two about animal care and we’re always a phone call away.

